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1  The Big Eyes Family Players (UK) "Pendulum" CD "Oh!" (Home Assembly)
2  -:::- (UK) "Ghosts" CD "Oh!" (-:::-)
3  Honeymilk (Sweden) "Willing to shoot" CD "Lean on the Sun" (A.R.)
4  Stranded Horse (France) "Refondre les Hemispheres" CD "Luxe" (Talitres)
5  Blaine L.Reininger & William Lee Self (USA) "Constant communication" CD "Hamburg Sessions" (Stilll)
6  Brown Reininger Bodson (USA/Belgium) "BB" CD "Clear Tears/Troubled Waters" (Made to Measure)
7  Tuxedomoon & Cult With No Name (USA/UK) "So fucking suave" CD "Blue Velvet revisited" (-:::-)
8  -:::- (-:::-) "A candy colored clown" CD "-:::-" (-:::-)
9  -:::- (-:::-) "Dorothy" CD "-:::-" (-:::-)
10  The Bohicas (UK) "To die for" CD "The making of" (Domino)
11  Kieslowski (Czechia) "Doteky" CD "Mezi Lopatky" (Indies Scope)
12  Zea (Holland) "Ya Ya Ya" CD "The 7-inch Cassette" (Mokkum)
13  The Jack Wood (Russia) "Precision shot" CD "Deus" (A.R.)
14  HD Haussmann (UK) "To the loveliest ocean" CD "Wring the moisture from the surf" (Marshall Teller)